Playbox at WHALE Arts PlayBox Beginners a new free and inclusive playgroup for 0 – 3 year olds and their carers will be...
Digital Sentinel pop-up desks! Today, our community reporter, Craig Tyrie and community development officer, Shasta Ali paid a visit to the Healthy Living...
Lloyds TSB supports local arts group SmART Craft, a local visual arts group, based at WHALE Arts, which supports adults has received funding from the...
Donated books to help child poverty Donating children’s books to be distributed in the run up to Christmas is the latest phase of the City...
Book Week Scotland – author visit at Wester Hailes Library Author Cathy Renztenbrink will be visiting Wester Hailes library on Friday 27 November 2015 2.00pm – 3.30pm to talk about her...
Stitch ‘n’ Time raffle winner announced The winner of Stitch ‘n’ Time’s latest raffle has been announced as Georgie, a member of the group who...
Kaleidoscope: Allotment Welcome to Kaleidoscope your source for arts and entertainments created in Wester Hailes by local people! Allotment After lunch...
Harvesters Link now open! The construction work at the old underpass linking the Healthy Living Centre to Westside Plaza is completed meaning the...
Christmas comes to Westside Plaza Westside Plaza has had a bit of a Christmas makeover with Santa appearing at his grotto with a trio...
Digital Sentinel Drop-in at WHALE We will be having a drop-in session this Wednesday, 25 November 2015, at the WHALE Arts Centre, 10.30am – 12.30pm. This...