An update on the Community Alcohol Partnership

We have received an update from Police Sergeant Kieran Dougal, a member of the Community Policing team based at Oxgangs Police Station, about the launch of the new Community Alcohol Partnership in the South West of Edinburgh.

On 30th August 2018,  a Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) was launched in the South West of Edinburgh.  We hope that you might have already heard about the CAP as it tackles many issues of local concern. If you haven’t heard, here’s what the CAP is all about.

Community Alcohol Partnerships bring together local retailers & licensees, trading standards, police, health services, education providers and other local stakeholders to tackle the problem of underage drinking and associated anti-social behaviour.

The CAP model is unique in that it recognises that retailers and licensees are part of the solution and has been shown to be more effective than traditional enforcement methods alone. Each CAP scheme operates in a clearly defined, and usually compact, local community and draws on local partners to develop and implement delivery at grassroots level.

Community Alcohol Partnerships is a Community Interest Company with an independent Chair and a Board of Directors including retailers and members from the voluntary and charity sectors, the police and trading standards.

Each CAP includes some educational aspects. In South West Edinburgh, this includes partnering with local school to deliver age appropriate alcohol education, teacher training support and parental advice and guidance.

CAPs focus on both the supply and the demand side of underage drinking and treat retailers & licensees as part of the solution and not part of the problem. The enforcement activity is informed by all stakeholders, who share information and co-ordinate their response.

CAP champions the use of Challenge 25 and PASS and also supports independent retailers/licensees with training including on conflict resolution, identifying fake ID and how to make a challenge.  A CAP scheme will ensure that all messages and literature are co-ordinated across the CAP area, targeting specific groups where appropriate.

The CAP is co-ordinated and driven by Sergeant Kieran Dougal, PC Oliver Ford and PC Jodie Brownless from the Police Service of Scotland.

In the months that lie ahead, we will be letting you know about the work we have been doing or intend to do to help you give your child the best start in life, fully knowledgeable about the dangers of alcohol misuse. We shall also tell you about the work we are doing in the community and how we are working together to make this area an even safer and pleasant place to visit, live and work.


Police Sergeant Kieran Dougal

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