Roadworks around Wester Hailes

The City of Edinburgh Council have released information on roadworks which will be taking place on Calder Road and Clovenstone Drive over the next couple of months.

Here is some of the information of the works, the disruption they are causing and when they will end taken from the Council website. You can visit the site to find out more information about roadworks across Edinburgh and view a map for a better look:


At Sighthill roundabout

Scottish Water

Manhole repairs.
Outer lane closed on roundabout.

Start06-Jun-2019 19:00
Estimated end07-Jun-2019 07:00


Pentland Hills
Between Clovenstone Park and junction at Wester Hailes Baptist Church

Scottish Water

Ironwork repairs.
Road closed, local diversions as signed.

Start07-Jul-2019 09:30
Estimated end07-Jul-2019 16:00

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