We are happy to announce the launch of Wester Hailes Connects, a new project that aims to improve digital skills and get everyone online.
The project is supported by the Power Up Initiative and is a partnership between Prospect Community Housing, WHALE Arts, SCOREscotland, CHAI and the Open Heavens Church.
As part of the project we will be holding free drop-in sessions on Mondays 10.30am – 12.30pm at WHALE Arts and Wednesdays, 10.30am – 12.30pm at Clovenstone Community Centre. These will provide support with different digital skills, help with completing online job and benefit applications. Theres no need to book, people are free to stay for as long as they are able and either use one of our computers or bring their own device. SCOREscotland will also be providing additional support for Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Communities to attend.
For more information contact WHALE Arts on 0131 458 3267 or info@whalearts.co.uk.
Power Up is an initiative by Good Things Foundation, with the financial support of J.P Morgan.