Help Shape the Future of Wester Hailes

The Wester Hailes Place Plan Steering Group held the first of a two-day consultation at Westside Plaza today, Friday 29 November 2019, with day two taking place tomorrow.

The consultation has been organised by a group of local residents, organisations and partners from the City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Government as part of an ongoing process of creating a Local Place Plan for the whole of Wester Hailes.

Local Place Plans are a new type of plan giving people an opportunity to develop proposals for the development and use of land in the place where they live. It is intended that Local Place Plans will stimulate and encourage debate about the future of a place, enabling communities to focus on their aspirations as well as their needs.

Members of the Place Plan steering group were asking residents, what their favourite thing was about the area, what things they would like to see changed or improved and to leave comments on an interactive digital map.

If you didn’t get a chance to have your say today, the group will be back at Westside Plaza tomorrow 10.00am – 4.00pm at Unit 35 located upstairs next to the British Heart Foundation.

The event is also an opportunity to hear about the plans and feed in any ideas you may have for the upcoming construction work at Westside Plaza Civic Square. Works will commence on the area outside the shopping centre in January 2020 with resurfacing, the creation of green spaces, a play area and much more. The ideas were developed for this by the local community through consultation carried out by Wester Hailes Community Trust, and funding gained by the City of Edinburgh Council.

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