Pupils at Canal View Primary School, Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association and Edible Estates will be rolling up their sleeves and laying down new roots in their community by planting trees around the Murayburn & Hailesland Community Garden during The Tree Council’s 2019 National Tree Week this week (Saturday 23 November to Sunday 1 December).
With the help of a grant from The Tree Council, one of the UK’s leading tree charities, they will be planting a wildlife hedge around the perimeter of the Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Garden. The pupils will plant 651 trees, including Hazel, Hawthorn, Beech and Dog Rose for everyone to enjoy during National Tree Week.

This year, in possibly the biggest National Tree Week campaign yet, communities, organisations and businesses around the UK have grasped the opportunity to do their bit to reduce UK carbon emissions and improve their communities by planting trees.
The Tree Council awards grants to help communities around the country to plant more trees and do something positive for their treescape. Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association and Canal View Primary School are one of 55 schools and community groups across the UK that made a successful application for one of this year’s grants.
Sara Lom, CEO, The Tree Council, said:
We simply couldn’t survive without trees. With their incredible carbon-busting, habitat-protecting and wellbeing-boosting power, trees can safeguard a green, healthy and happy future for our children and the planet. To ensure a green, tree-filled future, we need to plant many more trees each year, in the right places, and care for them and the ones we already have. Each of the young people, teachers and community leaders planting as part of National Tree Week are truly Tree Champions, laying down roots for the generations that follow and we’re proud to support them.
The P6 and P7 children have a great relationship with Edible Estates through our school farm project, the Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association and the local Community Garden. We are delighted to be involved in this initiative which further engenders pride in our local community. It is great to see the children involved in something that raises the profile of Wester Hailes in such a positive fashion.” – Ann Moore, Head Teacher, Canal View Primary.
We’re delighted to be able to work with Canal View primary pupils, getting them down into their local community and doing something beneficial in the local area for everyone.” – Claire McPhee, Secretary, Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association.