SCOREscotland’s Knots and Crosses Youth Club will be holding a competition for young people aged 11-16 with a selection of great prizes included a Huawei Tablet and a £100 Nike Gift Card.
The competition will be split across 3 weeks starting on Saturday 23 June 2020 with each week having its own task.
These are:
- Week 1 (Sat 23rd June- Fri 29th June )- SHARE A SKILL: Teach a language/sports skill/origami/ anything you love to do for 10 mins via video.
- Week 2 (Sat 31st June- Friday 5th June) – SHARE YOUR LOCKDOWN STORY: Share an engaging video/poem/rap about Lockdown life.
- Week 3- (Sat 6th June- Friday12th June) CREATE something imaginative from recycled materials you find in the house (must have a use!)
Judging and winners will be announced on SATURDAY 13th JUNE.
All you have to do to enter is:
Follow their Instagram page knots.and.crosses.youth.club (must be parents/carers Instagram account if the young person is under 13 years of age). Tag the page in their entry each week
Send entries each week to their youth club phone via WhatsApp 07504826683