Rainbow-coloured creativity packs delivered to 14 local families with very young children will help fuel imaginative play and inspire new ideas whilst at home.
The packs have been sent to kickstart a new block of online, live creative arts sessions, facilitated remotely by early years artists from Starcatchers, Scotland’s National Arts and Early Years Organisation. The home-delivered, creative resources will complement the online sessions.
Before Lockdown, the families attended Starcatchers Expecting Something sessions at WHALE Arts in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh.
The group provided a safe space for young parents and their babies 0-2 to engage with artists and spend time being playful and creative together.
Now that face-to-face engagement isn’t possible, the team are bringing together this community of creators online.
This group has developed really strong bonds and value this time together with their little ones”, said Starcatchers artist Kerry Cleland.
As with our face-to-face sessions the artists arrive with an overarching theme and a treasure trove of ‘props’. The props are now delivered but the babies and their parents’ imaginations and ideas continue to bring it all to life. We’re a community of creators!
Our aim is to continue inspiring new ideas, having fun together and bringing joy whilst these families are at home.
The Creativity Packs include a range of craft materials, drama props, balloons, a keepsake box, mirrors – all open-ended materials to fuel imaginative play.