Wester Hailes Covid-19 Response Funds via WHALE Arts

WHALE Arts has received £20,000 from Scottish Government Supporting Communities Fund to distribute to organisations, projects and community groups in Wester Hailes.

These will be small grants of up to £1500 (possibly £2000, depending on demand).

The grants have to be spent by the end of September 2020 (as this is when WHALE will need to report back to Scottish Government / National Lottery Community Fund).

If you receive funds they will require a paragraph or two from you by the end of September 2020 on how you used the money to improve lives during Covid-19 lockdown.

If you are from a residents group that does not have a bank account or a suitable way to make purchases online note this in Question 4 in the form below as WHALE can make purchases for smaller un-constituted groups if required.

To apply for an award please complete this online form by 5.00pm on Friday 5 June 2020.

If you have any questions please contact WHALE Arts’ Chief Executive Leah Black on leah@whalearts.co.uk or give her a call on 07773 553 445.

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