Wester Hailes Together: Coronavirus Update 27/05/20

The Wester Hailes Together Group has released the latest update on what they have been doing to ensure there is access to emergency provision and online activities:

Here is a rundown of updates and services provided from different organisations across Wester Hailes available from local groups and organisations:

About Youth
Calders Residents Association
The Dove Centre
The Health Agency
Holy Trinity Church
Prospect Community Housing
The Youth Agency
Bethany Christian Trust

About Youth

Providing a variety of online Digital Youth Work support for young people and working with the Calders Residents Association to deliver food parcels and lunches to families. 

Calders Residents Association

Foodpacks and lunches available on a daily basis from the Calders Community Flat. The group are also making and distributing food to a number of vulnerable groups in the community.

The Dove Centre

The Dove Centre is continuing to deliver meals and essential shopping to their service users on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are also delivering weekly boredom busting activity packs to help keep minds active. They currently have a small capacity to help other local older people with meal deliveries – please call 0131 453 4656 for more information.

The Dove Centre is also supporting The Health Agency with their deliveries to families and individuals across Wester Hailes.


WHALE Arts are running a Community Takeaway on Friday 1.00pm – 2.00pm. People are invited to queue along the side of the building, with lunches served out by the decking. Please note to comply with the latest Government guidelines lunches must be taken away and consumed at home and while queing participants must remain 2 metres apart. WHALE Arts’ Meal delivery service is now fully booked.

WHALE is also creating art packs for different age groups and publishing online creative activities you can do from home.

Please get in touch with the WHALE Arts team if you need support or a conversation, or are interested in any of the deliveries on 0131 458 3267 or by emailing info@whalearts.co.uk or by SMS text to 07926 613472 or complete this online referral form.


The SCOREscotland Community Fridge is longer open to the public, instead offering delivery of food pack to those in need. To sign up send a text with your full name, address and phone number to 07496190916 and they will get in touch.

For more information contact SCOREscotland on 07496190916

The Health Agency

Active Steps Team are providing online exercise classes through the Health Agency Facebook page. They’ll be running sessions on yoga and movement so you can still keep up with your exercise. They are also supporting a number of their existing service users with telephone counselling sessions and check-in calls. 

The Health Agency has also been working with Edible Estates, Tasting Change, With Kids and Gav from Games at the Gate this week to prepare and distribute hot meals, as well as packing and distributing essentials packs for individuals and families across Wester Hailes. The Dove Centre and Prospect Housing have been assisting with the deliveries. 

Wester Hailes Holy Trinity Church

The Holy Trinity Church will be livestreaming their Sunday worship on their Facebook as well as holding zoom sessions.


CHAI’s are continuing to provide advice by telephone.  To book a telephone appointment call 0131 442 2100.

They have also shared this handy factsheet outlining some of the support people may be entitled to during the outbreak.

Prospect Tenant’s Welfare Service

The Prospect Welfare Rights Service is still providing advice on benefits and debt issues for Prospect tenants and telephone appointments can be arranged by calling me (Fiona McLuckie) on 07908951297.

The Youth Agency

One to One support – we are in contact with the majority of young people who were previously receiving one to one support. We have also opened up this service to any young person we were working with prior to all this happening. They just need to get in contact with us either via social media or email. ( see details below)

Digital drop-ins – we are running weekly drop-ins for all three of our drop-in age groups – Juniors -aged 8 -p6, Intermediates – p7 – S2, Seniors S3+. Clubs are being run via Zoom and are focusing on a mixture of easy fun activities, general chat and chance to share experiences, checking in to see how individuals are and the opportunity to access further support if required. I have attached the poster with Zoom details on.

Comfort packs – We are distributing “comfort packs”. These will contain shampoo, conditioner, tooth brushes, toothpaste, sanitary products and deodorant. They can be collected from the Youth Agency office on Dumbryden Drive (in line with social distancing) or delivered to anyone who is self-isolating. Collection will be in between 12-3pm or contact us directly.

Bethany Christian Trust

Bethany Christian Trust, Community development worker – Felicity Fyall has been working in the Calders area over this time and will continue to do so, helping out where possible at the Calders Resident association, food deliveries, and working with the primary school to see if we can get activity packs.  If anyone in the Calders needs assistance at this time, contact Felicity at felicityfyall@bethanychristiantrust.com who is aiming to help connect people and signpost.

They are also working with Tom, the minister from St Nicholas Parish church in Sighthill, who is picking up food from various supermarkets to drop off to the Calders and other organisations where it is needed

To send an update on local provision please contact us at  digitalsentinel@whalearts.co.uk and we will include it in the Wester Hailes Together Weekly Update on http://www.digitalsentinel.net/

Wester Hailes Together is a group of local community organisations, voluntary groups and support agencies in Wester Hailes, South West Edinburgh are working together to support the residents of Wester Hailes during this time of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus.

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