Construction Started on New Westside Plaza Civic Square

Construction works are now underway at Westside Plaza civic square in the first steps in the creation of a new civic space for Wester Hailes.

The works will see new paving, a green space, a park and other civic and art installations added to the square located in front of the Westisde Plaza shopping centre, with hopes that this could become a civic space for Wester Hailes.

The renovation is following plans created as part of the Wester Hailes Community Trusts Making Places project which saw Landscape Architects and Urban Designers HarrisonStevens carry out several months of consultation around the Plaza and across Wester Hailes.  Harrison Stevens asked local service users, young people, local groups and businesses what changes they would like to see to make the square into a civic space they would like to spend time in

The City of Edinburgh Council were able to use the plans to receive funding from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre fund.

You can view the full design here created by Harrison Stevens.

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