WHALE Arts: Community Development Lead Vacancy

WHALE Arts are recruiting a fixed term Community Development Lead working 28 hours per week with a salary of £19,276 for 4 days a week contracted until March 2022.

The role will include membership development and engagement including: collaborative work on a local community-led regeneration project to create a Local Place Plan for Wester Hailes; community and membership conversations aligned with our upcoming community asset transfer; growth and development of our membership including introducing a young membership; furthering work on co-production and nurturing new projects and volunteering opportunities locally based on resident’s ideas and interests;  building confidence locally so that people feel empowered to take leadership roles in developing new activities and opportunities with and for the residents of Wester Hailes.

Key Responsibilities

Our Community Development Lead will be responsible for leading the following activities:

  • Creation of a Membership Engagement Plan in order to recruit new members and support their participation in a wide range of activities.
  • Supporting WHALE Members to develop new creative activities and services to take place at WHALE and across the local area to improve wellbeing, economic prospects and the physical environment
  • Working with local people on projects based on their ideas, responding to local need in a way which is not linked to specific or pre-defined outputs.
  • Supporting WHALE Members to participate in the conversations around Asset Transfer (plan to buy the land underneath WHALE Arts from the local authority)
  • Developing a programme of regular activities and events, which aim to evaluate membership participation at WHALE Arts.
  • Creation of an Annual Membership Report, which reports on WHALE Member participation and involvement.
  • Work with Wester Hailes Community Trust and other local partners and consultants on local engagement for an upcoming Local Place Plan for Wester Hailes.

General Responsibilities:

  • Meet regularly with staff and freelance artists
  • Attend area-wide network meeting such a Living Well Wester Hailes and the SW Voluntary Sector Forum.
  • Attendance at board meetings and any other relevant sub committees.
  • Organise events and volunteer celebrations where relevant within the role.
  • Contribute to an enthusiastic, positive working environment within WHALE.
  • Model behaviour as a champion of the company’s mission, vision and values.
  • Responsible for own learning – identifying training and development gaps and seeking opportunities to learn in different ways.
  • Work to achieve agreed goals and targets and create written reports.
  • Follow guidelines, procedures and policies provided by the organisation in relation to financial management and data.
  • Experience of working with all age groups with a personable approach to work.
  • Complying with all HR policies including equal opportunities policy and practice, health and safety practices and principles and standards relating to quality management and customer care.
  • Set up / improve current systems to track, monitor and review quantitative data relating to the Membership.
  • Collect Members stories (for case studies, evaluation, and funding applications).
  • Contribute communications materials to our WHALE Arts digital channels (e.g. social media, newsletters and website) where relevant to role.
  • Store information in a confidential manner and in line with our GDPR policy.
  • Undertake other appropriate duties as required commensurate with the level and role of the job.

Application Process

Apply by email attaching:

  • An up to date CV detailing relevant education and employment experience (no more than 2 pages)
  • A covering letter demonstrating how your skills meet the Person Specification (no more than 1 page)
  • Details of two referees, including at least one previous employer.
  • Applications will close on Wednesday 27th January 2020 – applications should be submitted no later than 1pm.

Please send these to recruitment@whalearts.co.uk using Community Development Lead in the subject line. For more information or if you have any questions contact Leah Black – leah@whalearts.co.uk.

You can find more information on WHALE Arts website here.

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