The Corra Foundation has announced that Henry Duncan Awards are offering micro grants of up to £1000 to fund small local groups who support people with mental health and wellbeing by reducing isolation and loneliness.
The grants are opent to Charities and constituted voluntary groups that:
- Are operating in Scotland.
- Have an annual income of up to £50,000.
- Are delivering activities in communities experiencing disadvantage (this may include Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and rural communities).
- Are delivering activities with a specific focus on supporting people’s mental health and wellbeing by creating supportive spaces where people make connections, reducing isolation and loneliness.
- Do not have enough funds to run their activities in the next year
A few more details for Micro Grants from Corra’s Website.
- Work and activities must be clearly focused on the current theme of supporting mental health by reducing loneliness and isolation. Before applying please consider whether the main aspect of your work is a clearer fit with themes in future years. You can see details of all the Henry Duncan Grants themes by visiting our website.
- The focus is on work that can have an immediate impact and grants will usually see people benefiting within a few months.
- Charities with an income of up to £50,000 can apply for both an organisation and/or a micro grant.
- If you are a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic led charity and you fit the criteria for the Henry Duncan Organisation Grants and the Project Grants, you are also eligible to apply to either the Organisation Grants or the Project grants, but not to both.
- Charities which received a Standard grant from Henry Duncan Grants in 2020 may apply for a micro grant in 2021, as long as they fit the theme and guidance.
Application forms should be accessed through the Corra Foundation website and they encourage everyone to use the online form. If you need the form in a different format, please get in touch with them on 0131 444 4020 or by emailing hello@corra.scot