WHALES MALES Walking Group WHALE Arts has announced that WHALES Males, WHALE Art’s mens group, will be launching a Walking Group, meeting Wednesdays...
SCOREscotland Vaccination Information Sessions Strengthening Communities for Race Equality Scotland – SCOREscotland is hosting a series of online information sessions on the COVID-19 vaccinations. The purpose...
Create Community Wealth Project Coordinator WHALE Arts and North Edinburgh Arts are recruiting for a Create Community Wealth Project Coordinator. The post is fixed...
Taking Care of Ourselves: New Wellbeing Course The Health Agency will be launching a new block of their Taking Care of Ourselves Wellbeing Course on Zoom...
Iceland Home Delivery Driver Vacancy Iceland are recruiting a part-time Home Delivery Driver based at their Wester Hailes store. The post is permanent and...
Local MSP Thanks Pharmacies for Extending Access to Rapid Test Kits SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, has praised pharmacies across the city for helping to rollout rapid coronavirus...
In Our Hands with The Health Agency The Health Agency will be launching In Our Hands a Women’s Health Course from June 29 2021. The course...
Facilities Technician Vacancy The City of Edinburgh Council are recruiting a Facilities Technician based at Gate 55. The post is permanent working...
Prospect Membership Recruitment Prize Draw Prospect Community Housing are inviting anyone who is interested to become a member and help achieve their vision of providing...
Ratho Cycle with SCOREscotland SCOREscotland will be holding a cycle to Ratho Marina on Saturday as part of their Pedal and Thrive Project....