The Sunflower Pantry meets every Tuesday at Clovenstone Community Centre offering low cost food to members.
The pantry is located in Clovenstone Community Centre and opens to members from 9.30am up until 1.30pm on Tuesdays, offering a selection of food grown locally by from Wester Hailes Growing Communities or donated by supermarkets. Food is split into two categories, diamonds and hearts, and Members pay £4.50 each time they use the pantry with which they get 7 diamonds and 3 hearts items. Plus all fruit and veg is free. Members are asked to bring their own shopping bags as there is a limited amount. When available the Pantry also offers pet food and supplies.
Please note that this is on a membership basis. To use the pantry you need to sign up. The pantry is run in partnership with Wester Hailes Growing Communities and The Health Agency.
For more info go to www.yourlocalpantry.co.uk or contact Stacey on stacey@thehealthagency.org.uk or call 07727 151 206.