SCOREscotland Sessional Youth Worker Vacancies SCOREscotland are looking to recruit Sessional Youth Worker positions. The posts are part-time with a rate of pay of...
Help Donate to the New Mobility Hub The Wester Hailes Community Trust has put the call out to anyone willing to donate items to help set...
WHALE Arts Autumn 2024 What’s On WHALE Arts has released their latest What’s on covering all the events and regular activities they will be running...
Greenway Garden Family Fun Day Wester Hailes Growing Communities in partnership with The Health Agency and Westside Art Base will be holding a Family...
Chatterbooks at Sighthill Library Sighthill Library is excited to announce that Chatterbooks will be returning this afternoon, Wednesday 21 August 2024, 4.30pm –...
WHALE Arts Digital Skills Support Drop-ins WHALE Arts holds regular digital skills support drop-ins to give a helping hand with all things digital. The sessions are...
Creative Writing with SCOREscotland SCOREscotland will be holding a creative writing workshop for young people every Tuesday 3.30pm – 5.00pm from Tuesday 10...
Roadworks Around Wester Hailes The City of Edinburgh Council have released information and updates on roadworks which will be taking place around Wester Hailes...
What Does Community Wellbeing Mean to You? The Community Wellbeing Collective will be asking What Does Community Wellbeing Mean to You? at a Public Faculty. The...
Lothian Buses Announce Service Change Lothian Buses have announced that from Sunday 8 September a service change will take effect across the Lothian network...