The City of Edinburgh Council have released information and updates on roadworks which will be taking place around Wester Hailes over the next few weeks.
Here is some of the information of the works, the disruption they are causing and when they will end taken from the Council website. You can visit the site to find out more information about roadworks across the City.
Murrayburn Road
At Hailesland Road Scottish Water – manhole repair 3-way temporary traffic lights
22/08/24 – 22/08/24
Clovenstone Gardens
At development site just off Clovenstone Road
Works associated with building project Temporary traffic lights
11/12/04 – TBC
Longstone Road
Between Redhall Drive and Longstone Park
Scottish Water – drainage improvements
Currently 3-way temporary traffic lights at Simon Says Dance / KD Motors access.
Temporary traffic lights at Sainsbury’s entrance and Redhall Drive closed from 02/09/24.
09/10/23 – End of September