Wester Hailes Community Trust are excited to announce that the Wester Hailes Mobility Hub has arrived!
The hub is a 40ft shipping container located at the green space in Westside Plaza Civic Square which the Trust has been working to transform into a community space that will offer free bike hires, free access to cargo bikes courtesy of the Cargo Bike Movement, tool hires via The Edinburgh Tool Library and South West Edinburgh 20 Minute Neighbourhoods, community maps and information, patio seating, free coffee and tea, and much more!
The Mobility Hub works towards delivering 15 of the 36 projects proposed by the Wester Hailes Local Place Plan which can be viewed on the Trust’s website.
Over the next month, Wester Hailes Growing Communities and Growing Together will be renovating the interior of the container, transforming it into a fabulous space for the community to gather. They hope to have the hub up and running come Autumn time – keep your eyes peeled on the Trust’s social media for a launch date.

In the meantime, WHCT are calling for local volunteers who would like to be involved in the hub. Interested? Email info@westerhailesct.org.uk or send them a message on Facebook or Twitter.
The Trust would like to give special thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund for making the project possible, to South West Edinburgh 20 Minute Neighbourhoods for installing the strongest of strong locks, and to artist Natasha Russell (https://natasharussell.com/) for the sensational mural.