Edinburgh Libraries opening times over Christmas and Hogmanay will be
- Tuesday 24 December – all libraries close at 5pm
- Wednesday 25 December – closed
- Thursday 26 December – closed
- Friday 27 December – normal opening hours
- Saturday 28 December – normal opening hours
- Monday 30 December – normal opening hours
- Tuesday 31 December – all libraries close at 5pm
- Wednesday 1 January – closed
- Thursday 2 January – closed
- Friday 3 January onwards – normal opening hours
With Wester Hailes library remaining closed for maintenance works Sighthill Library’s regular opening hours are:
Monday: 1pm to 8pm
Tuesday: 10am to 5pm
Wednesday: 1pm to 8pm
Thursday: closed
Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 2pm
Don’t forget, you can download ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers throughout the holidays from Your Library.