Community Café Volunteer (Barista) Opportunity WHALE Arts is looking to recruit a volunteer Community Café Barista position to work in their Pod Café. The...
WHALE Pod Café Reopens WHALE Arts is happy to announce the reopening of their Pod Café. The café is open every Tuesday 10.30am...
Coorie In at the Pod Café WHALE Arts are offering a free two course meal at their ‘Coorie in’ Event this Friday, 3 February 2023,...
WHALE Pod Café Grand Opening WHALE Arts is happy to announce that their new Pod Café will be officially opening on Thursday 2 February...
WHALE Pod Café December Update WHALE Arts has been hard at work getting their new café ‘The Pod Café’ ready to open fully. They...
WHALE Officially Soft Opens Pod Café WHALE have officially opened their new café – the Pod Café today Wednesday 16 November 2022. The café is...