We Are Wester Hailes: New Online Directory Launched The Wester Hailes Connects Partnership are happy to announce the launch of We Are Wester Hailes a new online...
We Are Wester Hailes: New Online Directory Coming Soon! We Are Wester Hailes is a website that is being created collaboratively by organisations and groups working in Wester Hailes....
Digital Support Online Drop-In Sessions WHALE Arts, as part of the Wester Hailes Connects project, are running weekly online digital support drop-in sessions on...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Session Break WHALE Arts, will be taking a short break in their regular online Monday drop-ins, with no drop-in taking place...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Sessions WHALE Arts, as part of the Wester Hailes Connects project, are running weekly online digital support drop-in sessions on...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Sessions WHALE Arts, as part of the Wester Hailes Connects project, are running weekly online digital support drop-in sessions on...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Session Break WHALE Arts, will be taking a two-week break in their regular online Monday drop-ins. The Drop ins will return...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Sessions WHALE Arts, as part of the Wester Hailes Connects project, are running weekly online digital support drop-in sessions on...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Sessions WHALE Arts, as part of the Wester Hailes Connects project, are running weekly online digital support drop-in sessions on...
Digital Support Online Drop-In Session Break WHALE Arts, will be taking a break in their regular online Monday drop-ins for the Christmas break. The Drop...