WHALE Upcoming Film and Food Nights WHALE Arts is excited to announce another round of Film and Food Nights taking place in the new year!...
Film and Food Nights: Encanto There is still time to book your space at Whale’s upcoming screening of Encanto as part of a series...
Film and Food Nights: Moana Join WHALE Community Cinema and Tasting Change for the next Film and Food Night for a screening of disney...
Film and Food Nights WHALE Arts and Tasting Change will be holding their fourth film and food night on Wednesday 20 March 2019,...
Film and Food Nights: Zootropolis Join WHALE Community Cinema and Tasting Change for the next Film and Food Night for a screening of disney...
Film and Food Nights WHALE Arts and Tasting Change are happy to announce the next two screenings of their Film and Food Nights....
Film and Food Nights: Cool Runnings Join WHALE Community Cinema and Tasting Change for the next Film and Food Night for a screening of family...
Film And Food Nights: Coco Join WHALE Community Cinema and Tasting Change for the first Film and Food Night for a screening of family...
Changing Perspectives: Wester Hailes Film and Moving Image Festival full programme WHALE Arts has released the full programme for the upcoming Film and Moving Image Festival: Changing Perspectives. Changing Perspectives: Wester...
Do you have an interest in Cinema? The WHALE Community Cinema would like to invite adults with an interest in film or cinema to come along...