Kids Eat Free February Break Children are invited to swing by the Broomhouse Hub next week during the February week, Monday, 10 February to...
Raising Teens with Confidence Course The City of Edinburgh Council will be holding a Raising Teens with Confidence Course at Gate 55 starting Tuesday...
Space and Edinburgh International Festival Add New WOW! Factor A group of young people from southwest Edinburgh are set to gain valuable skills and experience from behind the...
SCOREscotland February Calendar SCOREscotland have released their monthly programme detailing all dates and times for their regular programme of activities for February...
Little Noise: Music Classes Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise Wester Hailes project hold Little Noise, weekly music classes for babies and toddlers at Wester...
Women’s Conversation Café SCOREscotland’s will be holding a Women’s Conversation Café at the Community Wellbeing Collective on Monday 17 February 2025, 10.30am...
Empowering Voices Creative Art Workshops Space at the Broomhouse Hub will be holding a Creative Art Workshop as part of their Empowering Voices project....
Digital Skills Support Drop-ins WHALE Arts holds regular digital skills support drop-ins to give a helping hand with all things digital. The sessions are...
February Holiday at Sighthill Library Sighthill Library have released their programme of activities they will be running during the February Holidays! Head along and...
Time Bandits: Film and Food Night WHALE Arts will be screening Time Bandits on Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 6.00pm as part of their ongoing Film...