New food bank set up in Wester Hailes



Wester Hailes now has a food bank. It is housed at the Health Agency where supplies are now stored and then delivered on demand to those in need.

Volunteers are running the facility which offers help to those facing a crisis situation at home.

Donations of non perishable goods can be left at the Health Agency.

John Aitchison Chair of Wester Hailes Community Council is one of those behind the initiative. He said:-“It would be great if people could donate things like basic foods, toiletries, baby food or milk and disposable nappies.

“The people we are helping are referred to us through official agencies like Prospect Housing Association. If you know of someone who needs help but is not picked up through such channels then the Holy Trinity Church also has a drop in which will be able to help.”

If anyone has donations for the food bank but is unable to get to the Health Agency they should contact John on 07946667940 or 0131 261 4536.

Broomhouse Foodbank was set up in November 2012 offering free packs of food to families and individuals in crisis in the area.

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