Wester Hailes Fun Run, June 2013 Over 120 runners and walkers turned out to take part in the 2013 Wester Hailes Fun Run/ Walk on...
Launched! Your Community page is now up! The Events page on this site will be used for articles on up and coming as well as past...
Wester Hailes Health Agency move to the new Healthy Living Centre 5 weeks in now in our new home in the Healthy Living Centre at Harvesters Way and how are...
Stop That Bus! Stop That Bus! was the cry at the Wester Hailes Community council meeting held at the Wester Hailes Library...
Food Poverty In the current climate of recession, unemployment and the governments welfare reforms, people and families are finding it harder...
Our Glass House As the sign on the wall says you are here as a witness to a very powerful and thought...