Our stair was on fire!

By Lauren Howatson, a pupil of Forrester High School.
My family were woken up when a fire broke out in my stair in Murrayburn one  Sunday morning last month. I was sleeping but a passer-by saw the fire and he shouted to us:- “Wake up your stair is on fire!”
My sister got up and woke my mum and dad.  I tried to get my stepbrother up but he wouldn’t wake up so I jumped on him! The fire was on the livingroom side so we all went to sit  in my room so we weren’t in danger of being hurt.
A fireman came up on the ladders to make sure we were all okay. My dad went back to his bed but someone saw the person who we believe set the stair on fire running away. This is the fourth fire that has happened in my stair. The people in one flat were taken out of their house because it was the flat below which was on fire. The family in Number 6 ran out their house during the fire.
While the fire was happening I was so scared and upset. Everyone in the stair was terrified. In my stair there are many kids living there.
All the rooms in my house were smelling of smoke although my room wasn’t!
This was the first fire my stepbrother had experienced but I’ve been in four fires now. The stair has now been painted, but my mum and sister think we need to move house.
The outside of the flat where the fire broke out is still black.
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service say:-“Deliberate fire-setting is an offence and anyone with information regarding fire setters should call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
They offer a free home fire safety visit and will fit a smoke alarm for you. More information here.

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