Walking Consultation

DigSent-CB-WH-11A meeting to discuss walking has been organised by Fiona at Wester Hailes Health Agency and will be held at Wester Hailes Library on Wednesday 17th September 10-2pm.

Fiona told the Sentinel: “This will be an interactive, visual consultation to find out more on local people’s perceptions on walking, their knowledge on existing groups and potential gaps where people think groups could be. We will be looking at barriers to walking and how we can provide support and encouragement to better plan local walking strategies to best meet community needs.

“The process is an informal one and just hoping to gather as much information as we can to move the project forward.”

So if you are interested in going for organised walks around Wester Hailes and joining in then put your best foot forward and get along to the library on 17 September!


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