Council planning to build new care home in Dumbryden

The Council discussed plans to build a new care home in Dumbryden  at the Health, Social Care and Housing Committee meeting earlier this month.

The new building will replace some of the older care homes around the city before they become no longer fit for purpose.

It would cost £9 million to build all the new homes needed in the city, around £6 million of which will be paid by selling off some of the Council’s older care homes.

The council hopes that not only will the new care homes replace buildings that may be getting too old but it will also improve the standard of care for older people.

Other objectives are to help solve the problem of bed blocking (when hospital patients are well enough to leave but are unable to as there are no places for them at care homes). The new building would not only reduce how long people have to spend in hospital but also reduce waiting list times as beds should become available more quickly.

You can find out more about the Council’s plans for the new care home here on the council website by reading the papers produced for the meeting.

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