The City of Edinburgh Council has a number of childcare centres offering funded Early Learning and Childcare to children who are 2 years of age and are eligible under the rules set by the Scottish Government.
Eligible children can receive a maximum of 600 hours of Early Learning and Childcare during the school year which is usually offered as 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions, each lasting 3 hours 10 minutes.
Children may be eligible if they live in a household where a resident parent/carer receives one of more of the following qualifying benefits:
- Income Support
- Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income based)
- Employment and Support Allowance (Income based)
- Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance
- Pension Credit
or if the child:
- Is looked after
- Is under a kinship care order
- Lives with a parent appointed guardian
Once a child has a place, they will remain entitled to this even if their parent/carer becomes employed or their situation with their parent/carer changes.
Places are available at the following Edinburgh Council settings:-
Craigmillar Early Years Centre
Fort Early Years Centre
Gilmerton Early Years Centre
Greendykes Early Years Centre
Sighthill Early Years Centre
Viewforth Early Years Centre
Oxgangs Primary School
Royal Mile Primary School
Leith Walk Primary School
You can get an application form from any of the above buildings and should return it your first choice location with proof of the child’s age, address and evidence of the qualifying benefit.