You may have noticed that work at the underpass from the Westside Plaza car park to the Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre appears to have stopped. The Digital Sentinel has it on good authority that this is not the case. It is just that the work is happening underground and you may not be able to see what is going on.
This is the latest news on the project:
The works required comprise of 3 phases and are due to take 59 weeks in total. Phasing is required due to the long lead times that BT have when attending sites to carry out cable diversions/extensions.
Stage 1: Morrison Construction attended the site and excavated a deep trench and laid ducting down for BT to use when pulling their cables through. This was completed in the summer of 2014 and is only visible by a long strip of asphalt at the existing underpass steps.
Stage 2: The current phase involves BT pulling their cable through, however, this will not be visible and may give the local community the sense nothing is happening on site however there is actually a lot of activity taking place. BT has now commenced their part of the works and is due to finish in January 2015.
Stage 3: This will commence in January/February 2015 once BT have completed their works. Morrison Construction will attend the site again and begin the construction of the actual underpass. At this stage, there will be a lot of activity on site.
The programme is due to be completed in July 2015 and is currently on schedule. Further updates will be provided early 2015.