Vote for the WHALE!

Whale 16

WHALE Arts and Edinburgh Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) have entered into the Aviva community fund vote to try and raise money to renovate the outdoor area of the WHALE Arts Centre.

The vote, which if they are successful could see ELGT getting £25,000 to update the outdoor amphitheatre area of the WHALE Arts Centre, can be entered here. Voters must register with the website and then they will receive 10 votes which they can split amongst whatever projects they wish.

Watch Try Fly WHALE

ELGT have outlined their hopes for the space should they be successful in gaining the funding.

It would be a lot more than a just a makeover – terracing, steps, rails, seating and ramps would mean turning the building’s grounds into part of the arts centre itself as another venue for activities and events. With such a blank canvass, it will give an outlet for and somewhere to display the work of the different arts groups that use the centre, as well as opening up new opportunities for classes in crafts and skills in the workshops, acting as a catalyst for creativity. This has happened before – ELGT have been working to transform the nearby Hailes Quarry Park and two years ago local volunteers at Whale Arts centre carved and built a giant totem pole, complete with SR code panels, which is now a focal point of the park. We want to use the opportunity of the donated timber to channel that same creativity into creating the amphitheatre, designed and built by everyone,

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