Clovenstone getting Colourful during lockdown

Colourful plants and creatures are appearing in Clovenstone!

Inspired by similar ideas going on around the country to help keep communities connected, the school and community centre have been busy creating a few colourful things going on in the Clovenstone area if you’d like to get involved. 

A Clovenstone Covid Cobra has appeared by the entrance to Clovenstone Primary School/Community Centre, opposite the community garden. Decorate some rocks or stones and see how long we can make the snake! 

There is now a Clovenstone Happy Tree in the far corner of Clovenstone Gardens, (where the socially distant disco happens on a Thursday night!) if you’d like to you can add a ribbon or another colourful decoration. 

Clovenstone Primary School are asking their pupils, families, and local residents to add a ribbon to the fence outside the nursery to create a beautiful rainbow of colour. 

Also, Edinburgh nurseries are doing a six week bear hunt in tribute to the nursery children transitioning into Primary one during this challenging time. The children will be on the lookout for teddies in windows whilst they are out exercising, so please get involved! 

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