The City of Edinburgh Council are looking to recruit an Early Years Assistant based at Canal View Primary School.
The post is permanent working part time 19 hours per week during term time, Mondays to Thursdays 9.30am to 1.45pm and Fridays 9.30am to 11.30am, with a salary of £21,697 – £21,979 per year pro rata for part-time and sessional.
Purpose of Job
To work collaboratively as a member of the early years team within all council early years provision.
Assisting in meeting the educational, care and welfare needs of all children ensuring those with
additional support needs who are able to attend a mainstream provision, can effectively access the
curriculum. To be flexible and assist in carrying out general clerical duties as and when required in
support of children’s learning. To provide support and assistance in the day-to-day operations of the
School/Early Years Centre as directed by the Head Teacher/Head of Centre or nominated staff.
Job Activities
Under the direction and supervision of teaching or nominated staff, support children in the
playrooms and throughout the learning environment through organised activities, providing support,
assistance and encouragement to help each individual child achieve the best learning and
development outcomes possible.
- providing support to teachers, early years staff and children in all learning environments e.g.
supporting all aspects of early learning and development including early language,
mathematics, health and well being, lunch routines and other general early years activities; - assisting in supporting young children’s creativity and skills for life and learning through play
and through implementation of planned programmes; - providing help to children in organising their day and to follow instructions;
- assisting in the provision of a high level of individual and personal care to children with
additional support needs e.g. feeding, toileting, changing, dressing, applying medical aids,
assisting children with specialist apparatus by means of an agreed individualised care plan;
whilst encouraging independence and ensuring safety and comfort - assisting in providing relevant information through record keeping, attendance at appropriate
meetings as designated by the head teacher/Head of Centre or nominated staff member and
contributing to the ongoing review of child programmes; - assisting in supporting record keeping by e.g. contributing towards the individual child’s
personal learning profile; - within an agreed framework, assisting in implementing the School or Early Years improving
relationships and behaviour management policy; - working as part of the school/early years setting staff team, ensuring the ongoing health, safety
and welfare of the children including liaising with parents, professional agencies and individuals
and bringing any matters concerning child protection to the attention of the teaching/senior
early years staff in accordance with school/early years setting procedures and guidelines; - administrative elements of child welfare requirements, e.g. routine documentation and
information dispersal, providing comfort and care for minor accidents, upsets or ailments e.g.
cuts and bruises (reporting to teaching/early years staff if considered serious); - following standard procedures for risk assessment within and out with the playrooms
environment when required. - assisting in programmes for children moving into mainstream schools/early years setting and
other specialist provision e.g. supervising and escorting the child to the receiving
school/establishments, assisting with allocated tasks, encouraging the child to participate in
group activities. - participating in appropriate professional staff development opportunities, in service, refresher
training as deemed appropriate
You can find out more and apply for the post online here. The closing date for applications is Monday 29 May 2023.