B Healthy Together and Space at the Broomhouse Hub will be running the Mindful Community Meal on Thursday 31 August 2023, 12.30pm – 2.30pm.
Head along and enjoy a free meal and relax in a calming environment centrered around wellbeing.
As the seasons begin to change and the family get back into a routine, you might like to think about relaxing and focusing on your wellbeing. Come along to the Mindful Community meal where you can expect to try out some calming balms and mindful colouring. We will have information available around ways you might prioritise calm and balance in your life. There will be free food available from Space at The Broomhouse Hub.
Thanks to funding from The Scottish Government, we are able to deliver community meal events at no cost to attendees.
For more information contact info@bhealthytogether.org.uk.