WHALE Arts are looking to recruit a Community Meal Chef and Coordinator to plan prepare and cook a weekly community meal at WHALE Arts and to support local people in developing new skills related to food, nutrition and cooking, through volunteering and related opportunities.
The post is part-time working 14 hours per week fixed term until May 2024 with a salary of £9335 (£23,339 full-time equivalent).
Job Activities
Community Meal
- Plan and cook a weekly vegetarian community meal at WHALE Arts on Friday Afternoons
- You will be responsible for ordering ingredients, stock management and ordering kitchen equipment – as needed
- Ensure that food hygiene procedures and all relevant health and safety guidelines are followed at all times
- Work closely with the Grow Cook Eat Repeat team, WHALE team and local partners to capitalize on opportunities for shared ingredients and partnership working with a focus on sustainability
Supporting volunteers
- Work closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to recruit a team of volunteers for the community meal
- Build positive relationships with volunteers and participants, sharing your knowledge and skills relating to food, nutrition and cooking
- Support volunteers to achieve their specific goals in relation to food, nutrition and cooking and in line with WHALE’s volunteer policy
Grow Cook Eat Repeat – project-wide engagement
- Work closely with the wider Grow Cook Eat Repeat team to ensure we meet the aims and objectives of the project
- Work closely with the Community Garden Coordinator to use food grown in the garden and allotment in the community meal
- Work closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to support volunteers within the kitchen and to set up and serve the meal
- Contribute to the coordination and delivery of project-wide events, activities and training opportunities
- Work closely with the Arts & Wellbeing Manager, Grow Cook Eat Repeat team and community members to identify, support and pilot sustainable enterprise activities that relate to the project aims
- Network and work closely with local partner organizations and other local community gardens/groups
Data & Evaluation
- Contribute to ongoing data collection and project monitoring – details to be outlined by your line manager
- Take photographs of food, community meals and events as appropriate
- Contribute to the project wide evaluation alongside the wider team and the Arts & Wellbeing Manager
Other Duties
- To be a key holder, opening and securing the building out of office hours when required.
- To help with reception cover over lunchtimes and occasionally ad-hoc to support the team when required (all staff requirement).
- To comply with relevant WHALE Arts Agency policies.
- To undertake any relevant training in relation to the post.
How to apply
- a written document (maximum 2 pages) or audio/ video (max 5 minutes long), responding to the 4 questions here,
- details of two referees, including at least one previous employer
- equal opportunities monitoring form Email to: recruitment@whalearts.co.uk with the subject line: Community Meal Chef & Coordinator
If you would like to apply in another format or need support to apply, please get in touch by emailing -Kirsty@whalearts.co.uk.
The deadline for application is Wednesday 23rd August 2023 at 12.00 am. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 29th August.
You can read the full job advertisement online here.