Sistema Scotland are looking to recruit a part-time administrator to work on their Big Noise Wester Hailes project.
The post is part-time post working 2 days (14 hours) per week, all year round. Days of work will be agreed with line manager, working between Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm (with one unpaid lunch break). The post has a salary of £23,683 – £27,385 per annum, pro-rata.
Working alongside another Administrator, you will support the Senior Team and Operations Manager at Big Noise Wester Hailes by providing excellent administrative support, procedures and processes to ensure the continued success and growth of the programme. You will also have face to face engagement with adults and children at after-school club, ensuring a smooth-running signing in and out procedure.
You will be an experienced administrator, with excellent organisational skills and the ability to manage a high-pressure workload. You will lead on general communications with parents, so you must also be an effective communicator with both hour adults and children.
You can read the full job advertisement and apply for the post online here. The Closing date for applications is Monday 5th February 2024 at 10am.