Help Adopt Wester Hailes Train Station

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Wester Hailes Community Trust has begun the process of adopting Wester Hailes Train Station and is calling on anyone interested in helping out to get in touch!

This means that the station will be looked after by the community, allowing the community to make important improvements that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to. These improvements include adding flower beds to the station platform, tidying up the existing greenery, adding more community information boards, updating the shelters with community art, etc.

The Trust is looking for local residents to help make these projects happen – it’ll be a great opportunity to get involved in the community, and to meet like minded residents in the process! Interested? Please fill out the form below and email it back to . For the ‘What is the name of your group or organisation?’ question, please put down Wester Hailes Community Trust as your answer.

Wester Hailes Adopt-a-Station Volunteer Form

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