Wester Hailes Lockdown Pentathlon

Unfortunately due to the current Lockdown this year’s Wester Hailes Fun Run has had to be cancelled. However the organisers are happy to announce that instead they will be holding the first ever Wester Hailes Lockdown Pentathlon.

Each week, starting this week a challenge will be posted on the Digital Sentinel for five weeks (making five events).

It’s designed to get you active and moving. You’ll have seven days to do the challenge, and you can try it as many times as you like. After the deadline at the end of the week, we’ll post an online, ‘Leader Board’ showing the best results and current standings.

The Wester Hailes Lockdown Pentathlon is organised by Prospect Community Housing, SCOREscotland and Harmeny Athletics Club, Clovenstone Community Centre, The Health Agency, Open Heavens Church, City of Edinburgh Council, and Space. The event is aimed for young people aged 14 and under. You can register online here.

Week One Challenge– Shuttle Run

Watch the video here!

Although this is about foot speed, it’s also an endurance challenge. You have to make ten shuttle runs between two points as fast as you can.

  1. Find a clear space free from obstacles and hazards such as walls or furniture you might run into.
  2. Place some kind of markers on the floor that are five metres apart. These can be chalk marks on the tarmac, a pile of clothing, or any other marker, such as you can see in the video.
  3. Get an adult or sibling to time you using either a stopwatch, watch with a second hand or digital, or a mobile phone.
  4. You start behind one of the lines, facing the other and when the timer shouts go, you run to the far away line where, SOME PART OF YOUR BODY, EITHER A FOOT, OR HAND MUST TOUCH THE GROUND BEYOND THE MARK’. You Then switch direction and go back to the first one to do the same.
  5. Each time you pass a marker and make contact with the ground, you count one, two, three, etc.
  6. As you cross the line on the last repetition, the timer stops the watch and you record the time it took you to do the ten runs. The time is the score you’ll submit to; harmenyclubdev@gmail.com

You can try more than once, and as many times as you like to get the best score which you submit before 10.00am on Friday 12 June 2020, when the next challenge will get posted. You can ask any questions you like via harmenyclubdev@gmail.com, watch the video and you can post videos of your efforts up, if you like. Enjoy it, and,

There are both spot, and overall prizes up for grabs and also seeing your name on the board. There’ll be a leader board for each challenge and an overall one for the five events.

“Let’s Go, Wester Hailes!!”

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