Broomhouse Health Strategy Group: Community Development Worker Vacancy The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are currently looking to recruit a Community Development Worker, working 18 hours per week...
Tasty Food for Babies Day at Gate 55 Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be holding a Tasty Food for Babies Day, an introduction to their Babies First...
Broomhouse Tasty Bite Drop In The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group have announced they will be launch new Tasty Bite Drop in sessions on Thursdays...
Haggis and chat with Broomhouse Health Strategy Group The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group wants your input they will be holding a “Haggis and Chat” event at Gate...
Free Vegetable Harvesting and Soup Making workshop The Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust and Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be running a free a vegetable harvesting...
Duo Exercise Class New Sessions Duo an exercise class by BuggyGym and the Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be returning on Monday 4 September...
Summer 2017 in Broomhouse The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group, St David’s Church and The BIG Project have released their Summer 2017 Programme detailing...
Broomhouse supporting healthier lifestyles this summer The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group has released information for their Summer term detailing all the great events and activities...
Adult cooking in Brooomhouse The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group has announced that there adult cooking classes will take place in the evenings this...
Duo exercise class restarts for new year Duo an exercise class by BuggyGym and the Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be returning on Monday 23 January...