Broomhouse Street Party The 2019 Broomhouse Street Party will take place this Thursday 8th August 2019 11.00am – 3.00pm in St David’s...
Broomhouse Street Party The 2019 Broomhouse Street Party will take place on Thursday 8th August 2019 11.00am – 3.00pm in St David’s...
Caribbean Dance in Broomhouse The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group and B Healthy Together will be running a series of Caribbean Dance sessions from...
Broomhouse Spring Baby Gala The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be holding a free 2019 Spring Baby Gala for parents and their babies...
Baby’s First Foods with Broomhouse Health Strategy Group Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are happy to announce a new term of Baby’s First Foods – a series of...
Staying Healthy and keeping fit with BuggyGym and DUO Community reporter Sindy Santos has sent us an article about her experience of attending BuggyGym and DUO from Fitness...
Chief Executive Vacancy at Broomhouse Health Strategy Group The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are looking to recruit a new Chief Executive. The post is part-time working, 24...
Broomhouse Health Strategy Group: Community Development Worker Vacancy The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group are currently looking to recruit a Community Development Worker, working 18 hours per week...
Tasty Food for Babies at Broomhouse Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be running a Tasty Food for Babies session on Thursday 25 October 2018, 10.30am...
Adult Cooking Group with Broomhouse Health Strategy Group Broomhouse Health Strategy Group will be holding an adult cooking group at Gate 55 from Tuesday 30 October to 4...