Murrayburn and Hailesland Summer Community Fete The Murrayburn and Hailesland Community Park Association would like to invite local people along to their Summer Community Fete...
Street Soccer Scotch Beef Cup 5 a side tournament Street Soccer will be holding Scotch Beef Cup, a free 5 a side football tournament at the Sighthill Powerleague...
About Youth Calders Summer Programme Fully embracing the idea of creating opportunities for young people to shape youth work projects, About Youth will be...
Clovenstone Community Centre Family Week Clovenstone Community Centre has released the full programme for their 2017 Family Week, which this year will take place...
WHEC Summer Gymnastic Camps Wester Hailes Education Centre will be holding Summer Gymnastic Fun Camps throughout July and August this summer. There will...
Summer 2017 in Broomhouse The Broomhouse Health Strategy Group, St David’s Church and The BIG Project have released their Summer 2017 Programme detailing...
Murrayburn and Hailesland Summer Community Fete The Murrayburn and Hailesland Community Park Association would like to invite local people along to their Summer Community Fete...
Summer at Clovie Community Centre Clovenstone Community Centre has released their Summer programme detailing all the events and activities they will be running during...
Youth football with Street Soccer Scotland this Summer Street Soccer Scotland will be running a free youth football programme for 10-16 year olds every Friday 2.00pm-4.00pm at...
Summer swimming at WHEC Wester Hailes Education Centre has announced that they will be running a Summer Holiday swim programme from 3 July...