Open Heavens Church Vandalism Vandals have targeted the Open Heavens Church, located in the former Club 85/ Greenway centre, breaking several windows and...
Vandalism at WHALE Arts Vandals have targeted the WHALE Arts Centre this week, damaging an art work located in the Community Garden and...
Vandalism at Calders Green Shoots garden Vandals have gained access to the Calders Green Shoots garden and causing damage to the polytunnel. Reporting about the...
Harvesters Link Vandalised Harvesters Link, the long fought for reopened underpass between the Healthy Living Centre and Westside Plaza has been vandalised....
Calders Residents Open meeting The Calders Residents Association has announced that they will be holding an open meeting this Thursday, 18 August 2016,...
Vandalism at Calders Community Garden Vandals have targeted the Calders Community Garden, uprooting trees and plants, and destroying some of the hard work done...
Windows smashed during vandalism spree A group of teenagers went on a vandalism spree over the weekend, smashing windows in several community buildings and...