Lothian MSPs

SP Cameron Buchanan MSP

Cameron Buchanan MSP for Lothian can be contacted on 0131 348 5659 or at cameron.buchanan.msp@scottish.paliament.uk

Sarah Boyack MSP  Lothians MSP can be contacted on 0131 348 5751 or at sarah.boyack.msp@scottish.parliament.uk.

Gavin brown MSP Lothians MSP can be contacted on 0131 348 6931 or at gavin.brown.msp@scottish.parliament.uk.

Kezia Dugdale MSP Lothians MSP can be contacted on 0131 348 6894 or at kezia.dugdale.msp@scottish.parliament.uk

Neil Findlay MSP Lothians MSP can be contacted on 0131 348 6896 or at neil.findlay.msp@scottish.parliament.uk

Alison Johnstone MSP Lothians MSP can be contacted on 0131 348 6364 or at alison.johnstone.msp@scottish.parliament.uk.

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