Wester Hailes Education Centre celebrated the partnership it has made with Barkly West High School in South Africa at their Commonwealth event on 22 August 2014.
The event marked the visit of two pupils and a teacher from Barkly West who had spent the week learning at the Centre and going on cultural visits around Edinburgh. This was after several pupils from WHEC visited South Africa last February.
The Commonwealth event had performances of Scottish ceilidh dance, African dance (Tswana style) and hip hop. The event was also visited by Sarah Cooke a gold medal winning judo player from the Commonwealth games, who spoke about the motivation, determination and commitment it has taken to reach the peak of her sporting career.
Several of the centre’s feeder primary schools visited the event after pupils from WHEC and Barkly West had ran taster dance sessions at the primary schools earlier in the week.
This programme was supported by the Celebrate Lottery Fund.