I was delighted to accept an invitation to be guest Chair at the Dove Centre AGM. The organisation which provides support and social activities for older people in Wester Hailes and surrounding communities has faced some enormous challenges in recent years but with the support and determination of its members and volunteers and a fantastic staff team led by Caroline McKinna the Dove Centre has emerged stronger than ever and prepares for the future in good health and well equipped to deal with any issues that lie ahead. Congratulations to everyone involved in the last year and best wishes to the office bearers and committee members for the year ahead.
Now well settled in their new home, the Wester Hailes Baptist Church in Clovenstone, they are now supporting the Church’s proposals to extend the building so that more community activities can be provided. Stewart MacKenzie from the Church delivered an excellent presentation outlining the proposals and projected timelines for the project. The Lord Provost, the Rt Hon Donald Wilson and I were happy to express our support for the project and provide a commitment to work with both organisations in developing the ideas further and involving the Council where and when necessary.
Submitted by Ricky Henderson