The Council is deciding where to invest and where to save money and they want your views.
On Monday 1 December 2014, the City of Edinburgh Council will be hosting a live debate from 7–8pm in the City Chambers, giving you the opportunity to quiz their panel on the Council’s budget proposals.
The event will be chaired by Edinburgh Evening News Editor, Frank O’Donnell, and the panel will consist of the following councillors:
- Alasdair Rankin (Convener, Finance & Resources)
- Paul Godzik (Convener, Education, Children & Families)
- Frank Ross (Convener, Economy)
- Ricky Henderson (Convener, Health, Social Care & Housing)
- Adam McVey (Vice-Convener, Transport & Environment)
- Norma Austin-Hart (Vice-Convener, Culture & Sport)
There are still limited spaces available for this event. If you, or a friend or colleague, are interested in attending, please complete the short online questionnaire by 12noon on Monday.
You can also watch the debate live on the Council’s webcasting website and contribute via their live interactive blog or Twitter using #edinbudget – either in advance or on the night.