The Digital Sentinel are running a special print edition to highlight the upcoming Wester Hailes Community Open Space event!
The paper is full of useful information about the Open Space event taking place on 25 April 2015, 10.00am-4.00pm, which will be an open discussion to allow you to have your say, highlight the things that matter to you about Wester Hailes and come up with a plan of action to deal with them. The print edition will be delivered to local residents later in the week so keep an eye out!
We sent our community reporter Craig out this morning delivering some copies of the print edition to local organisations. You can find them at the following community venues:
Prospect Community Housing
Calders Community Flat
St Nicholas Church
Gate 55
St John Ogilvie’s Church
South West Neighbourhood Office
Wester Hailes library
Wester Hailes Health Agency
Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre
Open Heavens Church
The Dove Centre
Clovenstone Community Centre
Holy Trinity Church
With Kids
Wester Hailes Youth Agency
WHALE Arts Centre.
You can read a pdf version of the print edition below: