Your Community, Your Future, Act Now!

open space community problem solving

Wester Hailes residents are being asked “what future do you want for Wester Hailes, and how can you make it happen?

Come and take part in the Wester Hailes ‘Open Space’ event on Saturday 25 April 2015, 10.00am – 4.00pm at 75a Harvesters Way ( Open Heavens Church/ the old ‘Greenway’). Bring the issues that are important to you, share your views, hear what others think, agree actions and a way forward.

 The event will offer free childcare, food, language support and assisted transport to support as many local people to take part as possible.
What is Open Space?
It is an open discussion where you set the agenda and agree the priorities for action.
When is it all happening?
Saturday 25 April 2015, 10.00am – 4.00pm.
How do I get involved?
You can register online here or if you received one of our special print editions you can return the registration form on the last page to one of the venues listed in the paper.
Who is organising the event?
Wester Hailes community organisations are delivering the Open Space event for local people to share their aspirations and agree actions to achieve these.
Where is the event taking place?
The Open Heavens Church have generously provided the venue at no cost. Please see the map below for more information.
Open Space Print run delivery map

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