Edinburgh Mavericks training session at WHEC

WHEC School Sign

The Edinburgh Mavericks Korfball club will begin their training for the new season tonight, Thursday 6 August 2015, at Wester Hailes Education Centre, 7.30pm – 9.30pm.

The sessions are open to anyone interested in getting started with Korfball, with the first three sessions free of charge. For more information you can get in touch with the Edinburgh Mavericks on twitter, facebook or contact them on edmavericks@gmail.com

Taken from the Edinburgh Mavericks website:

Korfball is a mixed-sex, Dutch non-contact team sport. It could be described as similar to netball, with elements of basketball, although it evolved alongside these sports, as opposed to being derived from them. The aim is simply to score more baskets than your opponents.

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