What do you want for the future of Westside Plaza?

Wester Hailes Community Trust would like to invite everyone along to a consultation event next Thursday 14 June 2018, 11.00am – 7.00pm at Westside Plaza Civic Square with HarrisonStevens as part of the Making Places project.

The community’s views are important and the Trust want to make sure everyone who uses this public space has a chance to have their say. You can drop in at any time and share your ideas in lots of different ways. They would like your input on how you use the space now and ideas for what you would like to see there in the future.

You can drop in at any time to share your views and to find out what other people are saying.

From the early days of the community’s Open Space event, we knew that one of the local priorities was Improving Community Facilities and unused land. There was lots of discussion about the Westside Plaza- that it was underused, unwelcoming and felt unsafe. Yet it is the main transport hub for Wester Hailes, the main shopping area, and the place where important local amenities are located.

The Trust decided to apply to Scottish Government’s Making Places programme for funding to support a community led plan for the Plaza, to design a civic square for Wester Hailes. We were successful with our application and are now  working with HarrisonStevens Landscape Architects.  We want this process to give the community a voice for when decisions are being made about the future layout of the Plaza.

HarrisonStevens and the Trust will work closely with the local community and stakeholders to understand how the Plaza is currently used, what the community thinks of the quality of the Plaza and to collect thoughts and ideas on how to develop Westside Plaza Civic Square to encourage greater use.

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